Old Ethel ( VILLAGE TALES EP. 26 )
Around Christmas ‘Old Ethel’ a bag lady, makes a regular appearance at the bottom of Gold Hill, Shaftesbury, at a time when such people were greeted with suspicion, but was Old Ethel a witch? A kind gesture from a child who knows no better, is rewarded and the benefit doesn’t stop there. Next to the Old Drum and Monkey is a building built around the same time and our village museum records it as being the home of the brewery owner when the pub itself was the brewery. In the past when water was unfit to drink, farm workers, particularly during harvest, would quench their thirst with small beer, a cheap low alcohol beverage. John Humby now occupies the house and has done so since his predecessor bought it over a hundred years ago. John’s family owns Shiplane Farm, land that once was part of Delamere Park. The farm is very successful and is now being run by John’s daughter. There are minor dynasties everywhere in the country and it is worth taking care to know who y...